Gold Coast
- Shop 1A, 251 Bayview Street, Hollywell
- 1300 872 006
- Sydney Wharf Marina, 56 Pirrama Road, Pyrmont
- 1300 872 006
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The Integrity motor boats were always economical to run yet, as part of Integrity’s improvement program, the team saw an opportunity to improve their fuel efficiency and sustainability by offering a range of electronically controlled diesel engines.
As most Integrity enthusiasts would recognise, for many years the main engine was the John Deere 6 cylinder 6.7L diesel engine. This engine was an excellent power plant for the Integrity range of displacement vessels up to the 440 Sedan model as it was a simply designed mechanical engine that was low revving, fuel efficient and reliable. However, the introduction of more stringent T3 emission controls has seen the demise of this mechanical John Deere engine and Integrity has embraced the world of electronically controlled diesel engines.
This is a positive move for our environment which has led Integrity to introduce Volvo engines to the model line-up, but we are also now offering Nanni Diesel engines from the French manufacturer’s N6 range. These particular Nanni N6 engines are in fact the very same engine as the John Deere 6.7L engine with the identical attributes that made them ideally suited to the Integrity range of displacement vessels. The difference is that the engines are assembled by Nanni who are specialist Marine engine suppliers and their N6 range of electronically controlled engines meet all the T3 emission requirements.
We are currently installing two Nanni N6 285hp engines into Integrity’s and we are certain they will deliver to expectations. You will hear more about Nanni Engines and their sales and service support facilities around Australia in future Newsletter editions.
Learn more about Nanni Engines click here.